Chancellor George Osborne has forewarned of a slash and burn attack on allpublic services in his budget, with the exception of defence expenditure, whichwill be "protected".
The Afghan War has cost £11 billion so far, and this year will waste another£4 billion (SEE http://bit.ly/a33Fdj ). Trident renewal will cost anastronomical £70 billion, more than the total amount the government wants tocut from its budget deficit in the next five years.
It is the war budget that should be slashed, rather than public services. Andall the troops should be brought home to help end the spiral of violence inAfghanistan. The United Nations reported recently that the presence of theBritish army has only worsened security in the country (SEEhttp://bit.ly/cx7cL9 ).
The government is claiming a consensus for the need for massive cutbacks to our public services. Almost no-one in public life is calling for serious cuts in the war budget - a measure that would be hugely popular. Both Stop the War and Scottish CND will be at the protest next Tuesday’s. The current annual expenditure on Afghanistan is nearly £4 billion, enough to build 200 new secondary schools. Scrapping Trident would save £70 billion, more than the total amount the government wants to cut from the deficit in the next five years. Meanwhile the approach of the 300th British military death in Afghanistan is testimony to the terrible human cost of the war.
Join us on budget day and protest as the 300th British death approaches and we demand 'Cut the war, Scrap Trident, Troops out of Afghanistan'.
Download flyers for BUDGET DAY protests here -
For a full list of other speakers & supporters from the organisers view the leaflet here: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B8M0Z0RG-EZSMzIyZTk0Y2EtMGIxZS00YWE5LWJiZDgtMjMwOGFiYjg1N2Rk&hl=en
Report Commissioned by the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Scottish Trades Union Congress https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1mSthmDMcUmuEWNUwkk8dSgiyKpxkcyp_CYeC6bhUVWY&hl=en_GB
There is a CUT THE WAR petition calling for all troops home whichcan be downloaded from the website (HEREhttp://tinyurl.com/3aluekz)
Please download and pass around your friends, family and workplace.
Another tragic landmark has been passed with the 300th British soldier do be killed in Afghanistan. They are now dying at a rate of one every two days in awar which is clearly aimless and unwinnable.
The average age of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan is 22. Two hundred soldiers have been killed in their twenties and 31 teenagers are among thedeath toll. (SEE http://bit.ly/9vr3AE )
David Cameron says he wants the troops to return home from Afghanistan "withheads held high". His present war policies means an increasing number will onlyreturn in a coffin or with missing limbs.
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